Category: 3D Modeling

And my axe!

After the Antiquated Murgleis sword and focus, I had a few commission requests for other weapons from Final Fantasy XIV. One of the more interesting ones was the ‘Malignant Moggle Mogaxe’ – try saying

Red Mage Items Made Practical

Our Red Mage commission also involved fabricating a spell-casting offhand ‘orb’ or crystal. Much like every other part of this commission project, I vastly underestimated the amount of work that was going to be

Modeling an Ancient Magus

We were approached to help make the mask and some other elements of the character Elias Ainsworth from the anime series The Ancient Magus Bride. I’m a fan of macabre skull stuff to begin

This Baby is an Antique!

We were presented with the fun-yet-daunting prospect of recreating the Antiquated Murgleis from Final Fantasy XIV. This weapon (and the orb that pairs with it) is the signature equipment of the Red Mage class

Of Mesopotamian Supermen

The title’s not a typo, and I’m not drunk. This post’s about one of my guilty pleasures, and it will require a bit of explanation! There’s a lot of text in this post mostly because

Riding Small-Scale Lightning

I regret how long this has been taking me, but work has been driving me nuts lately, and I’m also doing my best to teach myself how to design the printed circuit boards I

Blinded by the Light

Over on, a user named simply ‘stan’ shared some interesting numbers – measurements, apparently, for the screen-used Voight-Kampff prop? I don’t know where these dimensions actually came from, as stan’s responses have been a bit

Time to Raise my APM!

One of our friends was bound for Blizzcon and was initially going there as a World of Warcraft Shaman. Was. About two weeks ago, they sent us a message letting us know that they had changed their

Just Look Up and to the Left

So I’ve been bitten by the Blade Runner bug thanks to the new movie and I wanted to make a couple things from it for my own collection. Everyone in the props world is

Arcadia Quest – Miniature Remodel

Something a little different for today. A friend of mine, knowing that I’m all about 3D printing, asked if I could print him a miniature off of Thingiverse – the Arcadia Quest Inferno Fountain by user YAAARGH. Problem

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