So I got the data knife printed out pretty much in entirety and have noticed some things I wanted to address. Pictures first, though! It is just loosely held together by two screws in…
Science Fiction
Progress continues after a bit of a fight with my 3d printer. It kept randomly shifting layers over on me and ruining prints. I was able to ascertain (thanks to Maria, with her quick…
I have been loving Titanfall 2, and I am not a guy who usually likes shooters. I enjoyed Titanfall 1, but 2 just clicks for me. I picked up the Collector’s Edition of the game, which…
I came back to this after some time off from tinkering with it and started assembling things in earnest. The helmet got another coat of primer and some light sanding so I could see…
Previously, I had been asked to design a hangar-themed overlay for the official Hawken stream. However, I wanted to have something significantly different for my own Twitch stream. I modelled the cockpit elements…
This project was done for the fun-as-hell free-to-play mech game, Hawken, available on Steam. I took the ‘garage’ look of the game and extended it to the overlay itself. I figured the main design could…
Author’s Note This post is fairly outdated – I’ve made a lot of revisions and improvements to Star Lord’s earpiece design since initially putting these instructions up. Nevertheless, I thought it’d be useful to…
Got my jacket! Seems like a pretty good fit! It’s the real leather version from fjackets. A few points on it to anyone interested in buying from them – if you go directly to their…
So as we speak, I’m remodelling the part to replace the orange piece, too. Hopefully it should be a 100% replacement, screws and all. I’m not done filling it in, but the rough draft looks…
I fashioned a more screen-accurate tip for the quad blaster that plugs into the old nerf gun barrel. First test of the gun barrel looks okay. It’s a hair shorter than I intended, and…