Tag: leather

Lending the Arms a Hand

We spent a good bit of time last night lengthening the master copies of each of these things out with monster clay to fit my apparently-freakishly-long arms. Figured it’d be easiest just to do

A Grimace in Chrome

And then there’s the mask. Got the plugs for the gas mask hoses painted up and attached, bent a bit of thick-gauge copper wiring up and into the jaw, and I completely revamped the

These Boots Are Made For Ruling

I picked up a pair of these bad boys in my size off Amazon and they got delivered. They fit pretty well! They’re not real leather, but they seem to be durable enough.  I took

Jacket and Printed Parts!

Got my jacket! Seems like a pretty good fit! It’s the real leather version from fjackets. A few points on it to anyone interested in buying from them – if you go directly to their

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